Strengthening Anti-Bribery Governance through Integration of GCG with SNI ISO 37001: 2016 ABMS


  • RR. Dwi Setyani Hanindita PT. Mitra Juang Mandiri (SUSTAIN)
  • Linda Julaeha PT. Mitra Juang Mandiri (SUSTAIN)
  • Yohanes Daniel Luke Soewito PT. Mitra Juang Mandiri (SUSTAIN)



GCG, SNI ISO 37001, SOEs


The government's desire to improve the quality of State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) by implementing GCG is considered not yet optimal because there are still several cases of non-compliance by SOEs with high GCG scores. Therefore, a clear standard or method is needed so that the implementation of GCG in State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs)can be carried out more optimally. The purpose of this research is to find out whether SNI ISO 37001: 2016 Anti-Bribery Management System (ABMS) can be integrated with GCG in order to improve the quality of governance in State-Owned Enterprises. The discussion is carried out in two parts: first, a descriptive discussion related to GCG and ISO 37001: 2016 itself, and second, a discussion related to how to identify and integrate GCG with ISO 37001: 2016. This study uses descriptive qualitative analysis method, with literature study and analysis of related laws and regulations. The results show that ISO 37001: 2016 can be one of the guidelines or a foundation for SOEs to implement GCG in accordance with the Regulation of the State Minister for State-Owned Enterprises Number: PER-01 / MBU / 2011. It is recommended that SOEs start implementing GCG with reference to ISO 37001. : 2016. However, it should be understood that SNI ISO 37001: 2016 is not the only guideline or reference because there are several other things that must be fulfilled in GCG that are not listed in SNI ISO 37001: 2016.


A. Laws and Regulations

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B. Books / Magazines / Journals:

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C. Website

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How to Cite

Hanindita, R. D. S., Julaeha, L., & Soewito, Y. D. L. (2021). Strengthening Anti-Bribery Governance through Integration of GCG with SNI ISO 37001: 2016 ABMS. Asia Pacific Fraud Journal, 6(1), 135–148.