The Awakening of Post-Fraud Enthusiasm
Trust, Fraud Triangle, Technology IntegrationAbstract
Trust is the basis of a person’s reciprocal relationship. Entrusting the management of a business to another party requires strong conviction and a clear agreement between the two parties because it is very vulnerable to fraudulent actions with various motives. This study uses a qualitative phenomenological approach that occurs, in the form of fraudulent acts with abuse of power, by analyzing the fraud triangle. Fraud behavior can be based on trust in the perpetrators of fraud which is used as an opportunity to commit fraud because there is no suspicion and even no control is carried out. The arrogance factor also encourages perpetrator to abuse the trust he has. Even the perpetrator of fraud confidently reports the business owners with allegations of embezzlement of funds as a form of self-defense for the fraud he has committed. This situation forces the business owners to change the director, strengthen internal control systems, and integrate simple technology as an effort to restore business and minimize fraud in the futureReferences
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